Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL)
This area considers who collects data and what the data is about; who determines metrics, outcomes, and impact; who owns the collected data; and how the data is used. A sample is below.
Monitoring, Evaluating & Learning Resources
Participatory Evaluation: Definition, Methods, Advantages, by tools4dev
Participatory Evaluation: A Path to More Rigorous Information, Better Insights, by Corey Newhouse
More than Money: Participatory Grantmaking and Perceptions of Power, by Sarah Stachowiak
FRIDA’s Strategic MEL Framework, by FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund
Fenomenal Learning Plan and Learning Strategy, by Fenomenal Funds
Trust-Based Evaluation, by Brenda Solorzano
Learning and Evaluation for Community-Driven Systems Change, by Firelight Foundation
The Equitable Evaluation Framework, by Equitable Evaluation Initiative